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Currently, Fiber Optic it is one of the most modern technologies for data transmission between computers via wire. In computers, the optical fiber is also used to interconnect devices from telephone exchanges (between continents) to internal circuit cameras.



Depois da descoberta do físico Jonh, a fibra passou a ser usada quando surgiu o primeiro cabo submarino de fibra óptica intercontinental. Começou a operar em 1988 e tinha capacidade para 40.000 conversas telefônicas simultâneas, usando tecnologia digital. Os cabos que cortam os oceanos do nosso planeta hoje tem a capacidade para 200 milhões de circuitos telefônicos.

Tecnologias como WDM (CWDM e DWDM) fazem a multiplexação (transmitir várias comunicações diferentes ao mesmo tempo através de um único canal físico) de vários comprimentos de onda em um único pulso de luz, chegando a taxas de transmissão de 1,6 Tera bits por segundo em um único par de fibras.



With the evolution of technology, the traditional metal cables have been replaced by fiber optic cables. The optical fiber is a glass filament, which can also be produced from polymer material, which has high ability to transmit light rays. It was invented by Indian physicist Narinder Singh Kapany.

The operation of these cables is very simply. Each strand constituting the fiber optic cable is basically formed by a central core glass, whereby the transmission of light occurs, which has a high refractive index and a surrounding shell, also made of glass, but with a lower refractive index in relation to the core. The transmission of light by optical fiber follows the principle of reflection. At one end of the optical cable is cast a beam of light, the optical characteristics of the fiber, runs the cable through successive reflections until you reach your final destination.

Reflection is when light propagating in a given environment, strikes a surface and returns to the medium that was spreading.



Com a evolução da tecnologia, os tradicionais cabos metálicos foram substituídos por cabos de fibra óptica. A fibra óptica é um filamento de vidro, que também pode ser de material produzido com polímero, que tem alta capacidade de transmitir os raios de luz. Ela foi inventada pelo físico indiano Narinder Singh Kapany.

O funcionamento desses cabos ocorre de forma bem simples. Cada filamento que constitui o cabo de fibra óptica é basicamente formado por um núcleo central de vidro, por onde ocorre a transmissão da luz, que possui alto índice de refração e de uma casca envolvente, também feita de vidro, porém com índice de refração menor em relação ao núcleo. A transmissão da luz pela fibra óptica segue o princípio da reflexão. Em uma das extremidades do cabo óptico é lançado um feixe de luz que, pelas características ópticas da fibra, percorre todo o cabo por meio de sucessivas reflexões até chegar ao seu destino final.

Reflexão é quando a luz, propagando-se em um determinado meio, atinge uma superfície e retorna para o meio que estava se propagando.



The transmission of data by optical fiber occurs through a special apparatus called infoduto, having a light emitter which converts the light into electrical signals. The light that is reflected inside the optical cable can be transformed into electrical, sound or even light signal, depending on the information that is transmitted.


Optical fibers are mainly used in telecommunications, since they have several advantages over the use of the old metal cables, know the advantages of using optical fibers:


  • It has a greater capacity to carry information;

  • The raw material for its manufacture, silica, is much more abundant than metals and has low production cost;

  • Do not suffer from electrical or magnetic interference, and hinder a possible stapling;

  • Communication is more reliable, as they are immune to failures;

  • Unlike wires, glass wires will not rust, do not oxidize and do not suffer from the action of chemical agents.



This process is not exactly easy or fast, and as its name says, is to "merge" an optical fiber to another.

In this type of splice the fiber is introduced and cleaved clean the fusing machine to after the proper alignment, is subjected to an electric arc which raises the temperature in the faces of the fibers, which causes the melting of the fibers and their welding. The arcing is obtained from a potential difference applied to two metal electrodes. After melting the fiber is coated with resin which has the function of providing mechanical strength to the amendment, protecting it against breakages and fractures.

The cost of all the necessary materials for this type of amendment is high because the process of "Optical Amendment by Fusion" requires a high cost of investment in equipment for its operation. However, this process speeds up the facilities and ensures high system reliability.



This type of splice is based on alignment of the fibers through mechanical structures (developed for this purpose), which holds these fibers positioned facing each other, without join them permanently.

In this type of amendment the fibers should also be cleaned and cleaved. This type of amendment is recommended for a small number of amendments to be made, because the cost of these devices is relatively inexpensive, and is reusable, but it is not advisable to use them in systems that require high reliability.



This process is very similar to Amendment Mechanical process where two fibers must be aligned and not united. However, in each fiber is placed an optical connector and these two connectors are embedded in a coupler

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